“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” – Proverbs 2:1-6
Recently, I’ve been facing lots of decision. One in particular that has been constantly on my mind is: what college will I transfer to next year? I’ve been fasting and praying about all these questions that I've been asking God about and it comes down to: “How will I know? How will it be crystal clear to me that this is Your will?” He keeps answering, “Get wisdom.” So, I then posed the question, “How do we ‘get wisdom’”? and “What is wisdom anyway”?
What is wisdom anyway?
Wisdom has been defined as “understanding the fear of the Lord and finding the knowledge of God, knowing God and doing as He commands, and living a disciplined and prudent life in the fear of the Lord.” (Kevin DeYoung, Just Do Something)
The Proverbs 2 verse above tells us not only to pursue wisdom but also how to pursue it – “look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure.” We are to search for it with earnest longing because it should be as precious to us as silver and gold.
Why is wisdom so precious? Well, think about the alternative! The opposite of wisdom is folly; therefore, in getting wisdom, we are avoiding foolishness.
How do we “get wisdom”?
There seems to be a three step process laid out for us in these verses.
1. Accept my words
2. Turn your ear towards wisdom
3. Call out for insight
1. Accepting God’s Words – how do we do that? Well, we first have to know what ‘His Words’ are! Spending time in His Word will help us with this step. Read, read, read. One of the key ways that God speaks to us is through His Word. But when you read, remember, you are searching for treasure, “as for silver and gold” the Proverb says! Keep your eyes and heart open!
2. Turn your ear towards wisdom. One particular way that God speaks to us is through the wise counsel of other believers. One way that God can give me insight, personally, is through the wise counsel of my parents. Proverbs 19:20 tells us: “Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.” I cannot tell you how often God has spoken to me, cautioned me, prepared me, and blessed me through the counsel of my parents. They’re usually right, too.
3. Call out for insight – this is prayer. We fast and pray. This is how we speak to God. Even Jesus lived a life of constant prayer to God. Ask what you will (Matt 7:7). He wants us to come to Him. He waits anxiously to hear our voices crying out to Him in prayer.
So seek wisdom. Walk in it. Study the Bible, listen to the wise counsel of other believers, and continually live in prayer. This should be our way of life.
“The way of wisdom is a way of life. And that makes you freer than you realize.” – Kevin DeYoung
I think you have essentially summed up Kevin De Young's book in a simple essay. Applying this to the rest of life is tough, but if you seriously commit yourself to the points you have made here, the details will be made clearer through the wisdom acquired.